Building Personal Resilience

While all physical health indicators have been steadily improving over the last 50 years, mental health appears to have been getting worse, especially in developed, English speaking countries such as Australia. Much of this is attributed to a reduction in personal support due to greater mobility and reduced participation in organised activities (religion, organised sport etc.) and the growth of a “culture of victimhood”. All this has led to declining levels of personal resilience.
This program is designed to develop the knowledge and skills that promote personal resilience and positive mental health. It focuses on the following key areas:
- Understanding mental health and mental health disorders.
- Understanding resilience and the behaviours and skills that underlie it.
- Developing the ability to regulate emotions.
- Fostering an internal locus of control.
- Developing realistic optimism.
- Overcoming learned helplessness (discouragement).
- Challenging faulty thinking.