
BSS Employee Assistance is a private psychology practice that delivers specific psychological services to employees of contracted organisations and the employees’ immediate family members under an agreement with each individual company.

BSS and all its employees are required to abide by the legal, ethical and professional requirements that are mandated for any psychology practice in Australia.

In general terms, as well as obeying the law of the land, these requirements ensure we abide by the regulations and ethical obligations established by:

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

The Psychology Board of Australia

The Australian Privacy Principles (2014)

All Federal and State privacy legislation

The Australian Psychological Society - Code of Ethics

Employee Assistance Professionals Association of Australia - Code of Ethics.

The Australian Government has established privacy legislation which, in 2014, incorporated the Australian Privacy Principles. These set out the rules for collecting and handling an individual’s personal information. BSS Employee Assistance makes every effort to comply with privacy legislation and the Australian Privacy Principles.

For a copy of our privacy brochure, click here

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To request a face to face, video or telehealth counselling session, click below.

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