Latest Videos

Our online presentations and videos are a great resource, providing helpful tips on mental wellness.

BSS Psychology offers an extensive video library resource, covering topics from relationships, FIFO life and conflict resolution to dealing with, resilience and parenting. Our monthly videos will focus on a different topic each month, providing useful information and strategies to enhance mental wellness.

BSS Psychology Monthly Video

A day in the life of our onsite Clinician Kev

A day in the life of our onsite Clinician Jas

Ask R U OK? Every Day

Click to view our latest R U OK? video as we discuss the importance of asking our friends, family and colleagues if they are ok any day.

BSS Psychology Online Videos - Available to view and download.

Supervisors/Leaders and EAP

Information about the BSS Employee Assistance Program for Supervisors and Leaders.

BSS Psychology Employee Assistance Program

Benefits of an Employee Assistance Program for your team.

BSS Psychology & Gryphon: Fatigue

Impacts of fatigue on the individual.

BSS Psychology Returning To Work

Tips on dealing with the return to work.

Request an Appointment

To request a face to face, video or telehealth counselling session, click below.

Request an Appointment