BSS & Your Organisation

Providing mental health support to your team to ensure they are fit for work.
BSS Psychology can ensure your team is fit for work. Offering a range of services through our employee assistance program including counselling, training and education on the impacts of fatigue, mental health and drug and alcohol use. BSS also provides support to organisations via our supervisor and peer support programs tailored to the remote resource and heavy industries as well as those based in city locations.

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Peer Support Program
Peer Support is a program in which people in industry are trained to assist workmates affected by stress.

STOP Suicide: Training on Prevention
Increase your understanding of suicidal behaviour and provide the basic tools you need to potentially help someone in your workplace who may be at risk of suicide.

Managing Difficult Workplace Behaviour
This training assists with understanding the emotional basis of difficult behaviour.

Fatigue training provides individuals with comprehensive training to manage both fatigue and shift work.

Alcohol and Other Drugs
The Alcohol and Other Drugs education program provides employees with an understanding of “fitness for work” and its importance in creating a safe workplace.

The BSS Resilience training helps individuals to cope with challenging situations, bounce back from difficult circumstances and perform effectively under pressure.

Short Workshops
BSS Psychology can put together a single or series of customised workshops for your team addressing specific areas of concern.

Mental Health At Work
Mental Health At Work training provides individuals with an understanding of mental health and ill-health, and teaches strategies to
maintain their mental health.

Respect At Work
The Respect At Work Program aims to contribute to a better understanding of the importance of respect at work and encourage participants to promptly and constructively address any disrespectful behaviour that they encounter.

Shiftwork Sleep and Safety
The Shiftwork Sleep and Safety Program has been designed specifically for shiftworkers with the aim to help improve the quality of their lives at work and home.

Supervisor Fitness For Work
Supervisor Fitness For Work training equips Supervisors and Leaders with skills to manage their team in the areas of fatigue or other concerns that may impact their work performance.

Building Personal Resilience
While all physical health indicators have been steadily improving over the last 50 years, mental health appears to have been getting worse, especially in developed, English speaking countries such as Australia. Much of this is attributed to a reduction in personal support due to greater mobility and reduced participation in organised activities (religion, organised sport etc.) and the growth of a “culture of victimhood”. All this has led to declining levels of personal resilience.
Critical Incident Response

Critical Incident Response
A Critical Incident is a sudden, unexpected event which has the potential to cause disruption to routines and functioning and create a significant degree of stress for those involved.
Formal Referrals
A formal referral is initiated by the organisation (not the employee). These requests are normally due to concerns an organisation may have about an employee’s mental wellbeing.

Fitness for Work Assessments
Fit for work means that an individual is in a state (physically, mentally, and emotionally) that allows them to perform their assigned duties effectively and does not threaten their own or others’ safety or health.

Wellness Support Program
The Wellness Support Program is an initiative designed to ‘check in’ with individuals who may have recently experienced an increase of stress or distress as a result of an event or general occurrence.

Conflict Resolution
When people are in conflict, emotions run high, trust disappears, judgment becomes clouded and one or both parties feel intimidated by the other. In such situations a skilled third party can assist each person to clearly specify their concerns and identify what may assist in reducing or resolving the conflict.

Formal Counselling
Formal Counselling may occur as part of an agreed mental health plan between the organisation and employee.
Consulting Services

Roster Reviews
BSS undertakes roster assessments utilising a process based on the various Australian Codes of Practice / Regulations.

Mental Health Gap Analysis
The “Mental Health Review” assesses an organisation’s current efforts to manage mental health in its workplaces.

Mental Health/Wellbeing Survey
BSS has developed a process to assist an organisation to assess the level of mental health issues in its workforce and employees’ perceptions on the key risk and protective factors in their workplace.

Acute Mental Health Management
Many organisations have a large number of employees working in locations where there is limited access to specialist mental health support and facilities.

Fitness For Work Policy Development
BSS works with organisations to develop, and update their Fitness For Work/Fitness For Duty Policies.
Other Programs

Wellness Support Program
The Wellness Support Program is an initiative designed to ‘check in’ with individuals who may have recently experienced an increase of stress or distress as a result of an event or general occurrence.
Your Privacy
BSS and all its employees are required to abide by the legal, ethical and professional requirements that are mandated for any psychology practice in Australia.
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